What have we achieved together in 2020?

In 2020, we collected a wonderful amount of CZK 3,818,363 to support projects in India and Tibet! Thank you

We appreciate it all the more because last year was full of uncertainties and challenges due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, you decided to support those who live in far worse conditions and to provide education to children who would not be able to afford it without your help. You have great admiration and thanks not only from us, but also from every supported child, grandmother, grandfather or nomad.

What exactly did you support with your donations?


Thanks to you, we were able to support monasteries in Ladakh and related monasteries in South India with the amount of CZK 130,774. These are Diskit Monastery (CZK 128,760) and Tikse Monastery (CZK 2,014).

Together, we supported seniors in exile camps with the amount of CZK 170,634. We bought them heating for the winter worth CZK 37,201.

We jointly supported the education of Tibetan children in nomadic areas in a three-month program in the amount of CZK 30,500.

And what is important, we helped prevent the calamity of the death of nomadic goat herds by purchasing goat feed and healthy goats worth CZK 201,036.

Exile villages

In exile villages, we supported children and the elderly, focusing on daily needs and health care. Together we supported Tibetan children in the Tibetan Homes Foundation with the amount of CZK 1,127,513. This amount covered the cost of the children’s education, their food, textbooks and clothing, as well as the teachers’ salaries. In addition, we supported already graduated students in the framework of the scholarship program for their further studies in the amount of CZK 40,000.

We supported seniors in Ladakh with the amount of CZK 240,196. This support provides everyday needs including health care and aids that are necessary for seniors in their old age such as hearing aids, walking sticks or wheelchairs.

For Tibetan seniors in homes near the city of Dharamsala and in South India, we raised the amount of CZK 85,760. We collected 24,280 CZK for seniors in the south and 59,880 CZK for those in the mountain area of Dharamsala.

An amount of CZK 143,089 was collected for the Tibetan Children Village in exile to support children and their needs.

We supported the little monks studying in the Namgyal monastery with the amount of CZK 137,440.

Spiti Valley

As part of the Adoption ProTibet project, we supported the education of young Buddhist monks and nuns with the amount of CZK 877,305. These are projects in these specific locations:

– Kowang Monastery School – CZK 165,459

– Ki Monastery School – CZK 385,243

– Komik Monastery School – CZK 220,434

– Convent school in PIN – 106,169 CZK

“ProTibet” development projects
Water ProTibet – a total of CZK 170,835

Among the most recent and very urgent projects is Voda ProTibet, which you supported with the amazing amount of CZK 170,835. Thanks to this, we were able to purchase water filters for TCV Suja for Tibetan children in the amount of CZK 53,700, small water filters for a home in Chauntra for CZK 2,400, and portable sinks for all nomadic families in Changtang in Ladakh for CZK 45,000. We are currently negotiating the use of the remaining amount.

ProTibet doctors – a total of CZK 70,849

Donations in the Doctors ProTibet project are used to increase health care, treatment and prevention for both children, adults and seniors. This year we expanded the project to include “ProTibet without Covid”. In 2020, we collected a beautiful CZK 70,849, which we used to purchase hand sanitizer for the needy from all Tibetan communities in Ladakh, amounting to CZK 64,335. We also handed over the amount of CZK 5,192 for the production of masks and masks against COVID-19 in Tibetan camps in Ladakh.

ProTibet Club – a total of CZK 107,266

As part of the ProTibet Club, in 2020 we collected a beautiful sum of CZK 107,266. Traditionally, we divide the amount into thirds. This year, we are selecting projects according to urgency based on the applications that have arrived.

What projects did we support with this amount?
Thanks to your support, the monastery school in Diskit in Ladakh can cover part of the costs of food, housing, clothing and education of the little monks who study here. The little monks come from very poor families in the Nubra Valley. The monastery school in Diskit provides everything for free to the children and it is very difficult for it to get enough money.
Thank you very much for your support for all the little monks and monk-teachers from Diskit!
In 2020, students from the Tibetan Homes Foundation School in Exile had some of the best results in the entire Indian state of Uttarakhand. These smart, diligent and gifted students naturally want to continue their education further to find better job opportunities. However, they often cannot afford it. Therefore, we will use a third of your contributions for a scholarship program for the best Tibetan students.
We are very happy that thanks to you we can make a positive impact on the lives of these young people!
Informing the public about the situation in Tibet and exile within the framework of the ProTibet Festival, as well as sponsoring and managing all development projects to support Tibetans in India and Tibet, has been one of our main activities since our establishment in 2004. Without grants and subsidies, it is increasingly difficult cover all costs related to this activity.
Thank you

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