What have we achieved in 2022?

Our dear friends, supporters and observers, the beginning of the year always brings with it a joyful look back at the past year. We publish numbers, but those numbers mean much more than just money. These numbers show that when people come together, they can do great things. They improve lives. Thank you for that!

In 2022, we together managed to provide CZK 3,778,749 to help poor Tibetans.

Where did this beautiful sum bring joy?

Direct sponsorship ProTibet

Our biggest project is Adoption ProTibet, through which we provided CZK 2,352,761. This money was distributed as follows:

Monasteries and nunneries – CZK 958,433 

Education and quality living conditions of monks and nuns are one of our main priorities. We are very glad that you also care about them. Thank you!

We supported the Diskit monastery school with the amount of CZK 88,236.

We supported the Kowang Girls’ Convent School with the amount of CZK 120,000.

Komik monasteries in Spiti and Rangri in Manali, where monks continue their studies, received CZK 230,000.

We supported the girls’ monastery in the remote Pin valley with the amount of CZK 120,000.

One of the longest-supported monasteries, Ki, received CZK 400,197 from us.

SOS tibetan exile villages – CZK 968,030. 

Tibetan children living in exile villages do not have much. But thanks to your support, they have the possibility of quality studies, fun extracurricular activities, good food, clothes and ever-improving health care. That’s not enough! Thank you!

We supported the Tibetan Homes Foundation, where more than 1,500 children live, with the amount of CZK 818,030.

Tibetan Children Village received 150,000 CZK from us.

Seniors – CZK 426,158 

We are doing our best to improve the living conditions and peaceful, dignified old age of Tibetan seniors, who often have a very difficult life behind them. Thank you for helping us with this!

We supported seniors in Ladakh with the amount of CZK 151,158.

We supported seniors living in the Home for Seniors under THF near the city of Dehradun with the amount of CZK 150,000.

Seniors in South India received CZK 35,000 from us.

Seniors living in Chauntra received CZK 90,000.

Rozvojové projekty ProTibet

Money from our development projects helps where it is currently most needed. Whether you help us by purchasing gift certificates, contributions via darujme.cz or in any other way, you deserve a big THANK YOU! We managed to collect 1,426,128 CZK.

Škola ProTibet – 302 855 Kč

Teachers’ salaries, renovation of school premises, textbooks, study materials and other important things are covered thanks to your generous help.

Nomadic children living in the highlands of Ladakh received CZK 68,730 for their three-month study program. With this money, we also bought them a new generator and projector.

The school in the Bathang region of Tibet received 106,964 CZK from us.

We supported the children at the primary school in Bylakuppa with the amount of CZK 64,246.

Young female students from a poor farming family received 22,915 CZK as a scholarship for university.

Young and promising THF students received CZK 40,000 in scholarships for universities.

Goat ProTibet – CZK 349,980

The nomadic life is no honey. Violent snowstorms are getting worse every year, coming quickly and unexpectedly. Herds of goats cannot reach food through the layer of snow and ice and die. Thanks to the project, they have something to eat even in storms. We are very happy that you care about preserving the traditional way of life in the mountains. Thank you!

Water ProTibet – CZK 41,927

A home for the Tibetan elderly in Rajpur was in dire need of repairs to the drains and water lines. We supported these repairs with the amount of CZK 41,927.

Health ProTibet – CZK 389,863 

We donated the amount of CZK 232,924 for the successful kidney surgery of the young nun Pema Chogye from the women’s monastery in the Pin Valley. The operation saved her life.

Three-year-old Sonam from the village of Tuting received CZK 156,909 from us for a heart operation that was supposed to save her life. After several examinations and a lot of travel worth CZK 33,900, it was unfortunately discovered that little Sonam’s heart is too weak for surgery and no further treatment is possible. The rest of the amount went to the health care account of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile and will be used for other urgent cases. We are very sorry.

Warmth ProTibet – CZK 81,048

Winter in Ladakh brings even -30°C frosts. It doesn’t get much warmer in cottages without heating and these are not ideal conditions for old age. Thanks to your help, seniors in Ladakh can stay hydrated. Thank you

Nutrition ProTibet – CZK 21,454 

We supported the children from the Tibetan Homes Foundation with the amount of CZK 21,454 to buy fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, cheese and other quality food.

General Donations

General donations are usually used for the most acute cases of requests for support, or where there is not enough funding from development projects. In 2022, a beautiful 239,000 CZK was sent from them to India.

The nuns from the Kowang monastery received CZK 199,000 for the purchase of a new, high-quality generator. Thanks to it, they can study in the light when there is no electricity and, if necessary, stay in the monastery even through the winter.

The old people of the Tibetan old people’s home in Chauntra needed new functional and safe windows. we supported their exchange with the amount of CZK 40,000.

We sincerely thank you for your support and cooperation in 2022.

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