What is new with elders from Chauntra

The Chauntra Tibetan Home for the Elderly lies just outside Dharamsala, in perennially humid and hot monsoon India. It is a small facility with a capacity of 30 old people and has been in our support for many years.

In 2022, in addition to the 90,000 CZK support from Adoption ProTibet, we also managed to support the elderly with 40,000 CZK from general donations. In total, 130,000 CZK went to the elderly.

Recently, the management of the Home has been talking more and more often about the need to replace the windows. The old one was mouldy, broken and often quite dangerous. One time they wouldn’t open, then they wouldn’t close, in short nothing you would want especially during monsoons.

That is why we reserved CZK 40,000 from general donations just for the exchange, which was completed at the end of 2022.

During the year, the old people have a varied program. The management of the home prepares various celebrations or cultural events to enrich everyday life, which is great. They also have a thorough health checkup every month.

Towards the end of last year, the old men had a performance of Tibetan dances by a local dance troupe, Sikyong Penpa Tsering also visited them, it was a big event. Not far from home is the Dzongsar Monastery, where grandmothers in particular listened to the teachings of Dzongsar Khentse Rinpoche.

There was still a big celebration in the home, the management even bought cheerful hats for everyone who wanted. The old people in Chauntra lead a relatively active life, the management really takes care not only of basic needs, but also of entertainment.

Thank you for supporting the old ladies with us. Know that they are praying for you every day.

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